On Learning, Practicing,
& Teaching Mindfulness
& Self-Compassion
Now Available
An Excerpt From the Book:
“When your dear friends have a hard time, struggle, fail or fall short, you know just how to be there for them, to support and encourage them. But somehow, when you face the same kinds of challenges in your life, the narrative is different. You beat yourself up, you demand perfection, or you simply surrender, feeling defeated, isolated and overwhelmed.
“But at the same time, there is a part of you watching this all unfold and whispering in your ear that there has to be a better way. That part of you that simply wishes to be happy is the part of you that saw self-compassion as a way out of this painful cycle and it was that part of you that picked up this book. Bravo! You’ve made perhaps the most important step you could take toward building a kinder and more productive relationship with yourself.
“Self-compassion has been scientifically demonstrated to promote resilience, improve mood, promote nourishing relationships and motivate people to make positive changes in their life. Most importantly, greater self-compassion promotes joy and satisfaction, and who doesn’t want more joy and satisfaction in their life!”
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Learn To Treat Yourself The Way You Would Treat a Good Friend

Visit the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion to explore many ways to learn, practice and teach self-compassion.